At Springfield Wellness Center, we offer a comprehensive treatment schedule that caters to the needs of our patients. Our treatment program consists of two 10-day rotations each month, allowing our patients to maximize their time with us. We understand the importance of having a flexible treatment schedule that fits into your life, so we offer our program regularly throughout the year.
If you are seeking addiction detox or treatment for a neurodegenerative disease, contact Springfield Wellness Center today. Our experienced doctors and nurses will walk you through the process and develop a personalized treatment plan to optimize your recovery.
Call 844.334.4727 today to learn more about wellness treatment in Louisiana. Discover the new standard for addiction detox and neurodegenerative disease treatment.

Call Today to Learn More About Springfield Wellness Center’s Treatment Schedule
Let us help you on your journey toward a healthier life. Contact Springfield Wellness Center to learn more about our treatment schedule and how we can help you. We invite you to experience the highest quality of care, comfort, and attention. Our NAD-infused treatments, holistic approach, and experienced staff offer the best care to help you face your mental health and wellness challenges. We can answer your questions and help you take the next step. Call 844.334.4727 or complete our convenient online form today.