
NAD Blog

Advances in Parkinson’s Research: What’s on the Horizon?

caretaker and older man outdoors while discussing advances in parkinson's research

Parkinson’s disease is a body-wide nervous system disorder that gets worse over time. A complete cure for the disease currently doesn’t exist. However, advances in Parkinson’s research are ongoing.

Several treatments have shown real promise for limiting the illness’s effects. These options include NAD treatment for Parkinson’s disease. This supplement-based therapy provides its benefits by helping to stabilize your brain function. 

At Springfield Wellness Center, we’re dedicated to easing the progressive effects of Parkinson’s disease. To support this goal, we feature NAD therapy, designed to restore an essential aspect of brain health. Improved brain health can, in turn, help slow the disease’s impact.

Contact us today at 844.334.4727 to learn more about treatment for Parkinson’s disease and how we can help.

Common Options for Parkinson’s Treatment

Every year, roughly 90,000 Americans receive a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. A variety of treatments are currently used to treat the illness. The most common options include:

  • Medications such as carbidopa and levodopa
  • Deep brain stimulation
  • Physical therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy

Your doctor may also ask you to improve your diet and exercise to improve your strength and flexibility. You may also benefit from massage therapy and movement exercises such as tai chi or yoga. 

NAD as a Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

NAD is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. All living cells in your body naturally contain some of this enzyme. You rely on it as a critical source of energy production. 

If you’re young and generally healthy, you probably have adequate levels of NAD. However, as you age, your enzyme levels begin to drop. Moreover, certain conditions are known for their association with deficient NAD levels. The list of these conditions includes Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s disease research shows that boosting your brain’s supply of NAD can have positive effects. Specifically, it may lead to a significant improvement in your symptoms. 

There are multiple options for boosting your brain’s NAD levels. At Springfield Wellness, we provide IV enzyme supplements as part of a larger treatment plan. Other elements of this plan include oral doses of:

  • Amino acids
  • Mineral supplements
  • Vitamin supplements

Current research also supports oral doses of nicotinamide riboside (NR). Your body uses NR to make both NAD and vitamin B3. In high doses, nicotinamide riboside may help ease Parkinson’s symptoms. However, further study is needed to determine NR’s actual usefulness.

Other Avenues of Parkinson’s Disease Research

There are also other promising advances in Parkinson’s research. For example, some researchers are considering combining deep brain stimulation and gene therapy. The goal here is to increase the production of the chemical dopamine. You rely on dopamine to control body movement. Its lack is strongly linked to the development of Parkinson’s.

Improving gut health may also one day serve as a treatment for Parkinson’s. How? Research shows that people with high levels of specific gut bacteria have increased risks for the illness. Other bacteria are linked to reduced risks for Parkinson’s. Decreases in the harmful bacteria and increases in the beneficial bacteria may eventually help reduce the disease’s impact. 

Start NAD Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease at Springfield Wellness Center Today

Parkinson’s disease is one of the world’s major incurable illnesses. However, while it can’t be stopped, it can be slowed down. Research into how to achieve this goal is ongoing. Modern treatment options available today include NAD therapy. 

Want to know more about the current state of Parkinson’s research? Talk to the professionals at Springfield Wellness Center. With our help, you can better understand how to combat the effects of this progressive disease. We’re also a nationally known source for safe, convenient NAD therapy.

To learn more about this treatment option, call us today at 844.334.4727 or contact us online