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How Chronic Fatigue Leads to Stimulant Addiction

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Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is a serious health condition that produces extreme tiredness and pain. The syndrome can also lead to other significant problems. One of the less well-known risks in people with CFS is stimulant addiction.

There are a couple of potential explanations for the link between fatigue and addiction to stimulants. For some people, problems begin when they try to self-medicate their diagnosed or undiagnosed CFS symptoms. For others, addiction may be the unintended result of stimulant-based CFS treatment.

At Springfield Wellness Center, we specialize in the safe and effective treatment of CFS. Our professional program will help you avoid any addiction risks. We also feature detox plans for people already addicted to stimulants. For more information, just call us at 844.334.4727 or fill out our online form.

Causes of Addiction

There are many potential interacting causes of addiction. The list of contributing factors includes:

  • Having addiction in your family background
  • Beginning substance use at an early age
  • Being part of a social group where substance use is accepted as the norm
  • Growing up in a chaotic or poorly supervised household

Addiction also has a two-way connection with mental illness. A mental illness may begin before you become addicted. You may also become addicted before developing a mental illness.

Self-Medicating Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome is not found anywhere on the list of typical addiction risks. Nevertheless, symptoms of the condition can lead to stimulant problems. What is the connection between fatigue and addiction?

It’s a well-known fact that many people start abusing drugs in an attempt to avoid unpleasant feelings. Such feelings can be emotional or physical. Stimulant use may seem like a good idea to someone suffering from fatigue. After all, stimulants have effects that include:

  • Making you feel more energetic
  • Decreasing your perceived need for sleep
  • Increasing your ability to stay alert and focus

However, anytime you self-medicate with a stimulant drug, stimulant addiction becomes a real possibility.

CFS Treatment and Addiction

There are several types of treatment available for people with chronic fatigue. One potential option is the use of stimulant medication, the same medication that doctors give to people with ADHD. Two common ADHD treatments are Adderall and Ritalin. Adderall contains amphetamine and another related stimulant drug, while Ritalin contains a third type of stimulant.

All of the active ingredients in these two medications are addictive. If you use them according to your doctor’s instructions, your risks for developing a problem are low. However, every time you take more medication than intended, the odds of stimulant addiction go up.

Learn More About Fatigue and Addiction at Springfield Wellness Center

Fortunately, there are ways to treat chronic fatigue that won’t expose you to risks for stimulant addiction. The most effective treatment approaches are holistic, which means that they address multiple aspects of your health and well-being at the same time.

A common recommendation is to make sure that you eat well. You may also need help managing your sleep habits. In addition, you may benefit from things such as exercise, counseling, and non-stimulant medication.

At Springfield Wellness Center, we use a combination of methods to treat CFS. That treatment includes the most widely recommended forms of supportive care. It also includes a unique method known as brain restoration or BR using NAD+ treatments. With the help of our customized options, we make it possible to manage the effects of CFS successfully.

We also offer a customized detox program for people currently addicted to stimulants. This program serves as an essential first step on the path of addiction recovery. Need more information on fatigue and addiction? Contact us today through our online form or phone our specialists at 844.334.4727.