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Why Does Depression Carry a Stigma

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In recent decades, the general public has become much more compassionate when it comes to mental illness. But despite this fact, mental health stigmas remain a constant issue. These stigmas come in a variety of forms. Together, they can reduce your chances of seeking treatment for the single most common mental illness: depression.

At Springfield Wellness Center, we’re committed to fighting the stigma of depression and other mental health illnesses. We feature personalized care that recognizes you as a unique individual. This care includes modern-day treatment options that help you offset the damaging effects of depression. Learn more about how you can receive the treatment you need by calling 844.334.4727.

Forms of Stigma

Mental health stigmas come in a variety of forms. Specific issues you may experience yourself or see happening to others include:

  • Prejudiced attitudes
  • Stereotyping of what it means to have depression
  • Overt acts of discrimination

Television, the Internet, and other media are often major sources of stereotyped thinking and prejudice. Potential sources of discrimination include everyone from employers to landlords.

Why Is There a Public Mental Health Stigma?

Cultures throughout the world have trouble acknowledging the reality of mental illness. Several factors help explain this. Until quite recently, the causes of these illnesses were not well-understood. No one knew why they happened or who was at-risk.

Another factor is the impact of social appearances. Many people feel uncomfortable or threatened when others around them don’t follow social norms. There are various reasons that a person with a mental illness may fall into this category. Rather than accepting such differences, some members of the public choose to turn away.

Depression perception is often a concern when it comes to mental health stigma. Ironically, the widespread presence of depression may have something to do with this problem. With so many people affected by the illness, it’s not easy to avoid its reality. In some cases, this may lead to an increased level of unease or discomfort.

Some cultural or ethnic groups may be more likely than others to stigmatize depression. Still, no culture or group is immune from this problem. Sadly, no country on Earth always treats people with mental illnesses as equals in everyday life.

Public stigma may decrease the chances of you recognizing that your mental health is affected. It may also have a significant negative impact on your willingness to seek help. This is unfortunate since multiple types of treatment are available. Even the most severe symptoms of depression can be addressed with the right kind of help.

Other Sources of Depression Stigma

Public perception of depression is not the only possible source of depression stigma. Other potential issues include self-stigma. This problem occurs when you hold a negative view of your own depression symptoms. It is often the result of internalizing the negative attitudes of others.
Another potential problem is systemic or institutional stigma. This problem occurs when organizations or governments treat people with depression as “less than” unaffected people. Damaging treatment may be purposeful or unintentional.

No matter the source of the stigma of depression, its effects can spread far beyond just one person. Frequently, whole families and friendship groups are impacted.

Learn More at Springfield Wellness Center

Need help coping with the stigma of depression? Reach out to a qualified mental health expert in your area. These experts can provide you with the facts on depression. That includes learning how the illness develops. It also includes learning how it is treated.

At Springfield Wellness Center, we feature an innovative form of depression treatment called NAD+ therapy. This therapy uses a safe form of IV supplementation to help restore your normal brain chemistry. In turn, brain restoration helps correct imbalances that make depression more likely. For more information, just fill out our online form or contact us today at 844.334.4727.